DIR 3 in KYC is a form that is registered by every director who has holding the DIN. It is mandatory for every director regardless of their status.
One has to pay a penalty fee of Rs. 5000 for a delay in filing DIR 3 KYC.
The last date for filing DIR KYC is 30 th April of each financial year.
Yes, DSC is compulsory for DIR 3 KYC.
Yes, DIR 3 KYC filing is an annual process that has to do once a year on the 30 th of April.
The last date for filing DIR-3 KYC WEB is 30 th September.
We have a professional team of guides who will help you in filing the form DIR-3 KYC.
The FBOs need to apply for the license renewal before the 30 days of expiry if any FBO missed the date of expiry then they can apply for its post-expiry as well. The department will charge late fees of Rs. 100 per day at the time of renewal application. This post-expiry renewal option is available only for 120 days after the expiry date.
No, FSSAI registration and license are different. FSSAI issues registration or license based on the size and nature of the FBOs. FBOs with an annual turnover of up to 12 lakhs can apply for registration through Form A of FSSAI and FBOs with an annual turnover of more than 12 Lakhs must apply for a license through Form B of FSSAI.
There are two types of FSSAI licenses: State License and Central License. The state and central license category depends on the size and nature of the business of the FBOs. The Central License is for those businesses whose annual turnover is more than 20 crores and the business presence is available in multistate, and State License is for those businesses whose annual turnover is between 12 lakhs to 20 crore and they are only running their business in a particular state.