

Employee Agreement

An Employee Bond Agreement is a contract between the employee and his employer. The agreement states the pledge taken by the employee that he/she will pay a particular amount to his/her employer if she vacates the organization before the decided period. The agreement defines the term and conditions of the employment, roles, and responsibilities of the employee and employers as well. The law mandates providing this agreement in the early days of employment or no later than two months from the starting day of employment to the employee. The other term used for this is Employee Non- Disclosure Agreement.

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FSSAI Registration and License

FSSAI Registration


* All Inclusive

FSSAI State License


* All Inclusive

FSSAI Central License


* All Inclusive


An Employment Agreement or Employee Bond Agreement is a legal contract between the employee and employer. It mentioned the rights, roles, duties, powers, benefits, policies, and other necessary things for both parties. It is an important document that provides guidance to the employee about their rights and policies and also guides the employer about their roles and responsibilities. The agreement controls the employee’s efficiency apart from their position in an organization. The organization treats everyone as an employee whether it is the CEO of the company or any junior executive. So, the agreement plays a crucial role throughout light on their jobs and duties.

Components of Employment Agreement

The agreement has various components which include employment-related terms and conditions. Some of the
components related to employee agreements include –
1.Employees Job Description
2.Leave Related Policy
3.Employment Terms
4.Employee Compensation
5.Bases of the Termination
6.Benefits of the Employee
7.Dispute Resolutions
8.Personal Information Confidentiality
9.Right Intellectual Property
10.Governing Laws and Jurisdiction
Note: A Service Agreement will be drafted in a situation where an individual is hired on contract for a particular project and time.


License type

There are two types of licenses in FSSAI, one is a state license which is suggested for small and medium-sized businesses and the second is the central license which is suggested for large-size companies.

Multiple licenses

A company has to get the license separately for all the locations of the company in India.


Petty food vendors, peddlers, hawkers, or stall holders are exempted from obtaining FSSAI registration or license.


The FSSAI license is valid for one or two years and can be renewed before expiring.

Documents Required

1. PAN Card
2. Certificate of Incorporation
3. MoA & AoA of Private Company
4. Audited Financial Statements
5. Audit Report & Board Report
6. DSC of Director


Select Package

Your journey starts with the package selection. Our team of professionals is here to assist you & solve your doubts accordingly.

Collecting Basic Details

The team will initiate the process by collecting the requisite details and documents from you.

Document Drafting

The team will draft a perfect document and send it for your confirmation.

Application Submission

After making the needed changes, the application will be submitted by the leagal24by7 team.

Why Us?

We are here to make everything easy for you. If you have any doubts about how to start with the procedure, we are here to resolve this confusion for you. We will enlighten you about what are the different criteria you must fulfill & what is the best possible way you can do everything smoothly. For a convenient Employee Agreement, we have a team of highly skilled professionals and a large network of people who can assist you with every service that you will need.


What do you mean by employment agreement?
An employee agreement is a single binding legal document between the employer and employee. It reflects the roles, responsibilities, goals, and rights of both parties during the employment term.
What is the purpose of an employment agreement?
 Limiting Covenants  Safety of trade secrets  Transparency upon terms of employment  Dispute resolution
What is the importance of employee contracts?
The employee contracts provide employees with a clear vision and understanding of their roles and responsibilities. It makes it clear what a company expects from the employee.
Does a company need to provide employment contracts to every employee?
No, it is not mandatory to provide employment contracts.
What are the advantages of being an independent contractor?
Provide than employee insight into his roles and responsibilities.  Mention to the employee the laws of employment  Describe all the circumstances required to follow by the employees  Set goals for both the parties  Protect the interest of the employer.