The patent provides an exclusive legal right to the inventor over their invention.
No, the Indian patent has its territorial limitations and is not valid outside the Indian territory. One needs to apply separately in other countries to get patent rights.
Through a Provisional patent, the inventor gets up to 12 months to file the application for a Permanent patent or file an international patent. It reduces the risk of someone else filing a patent application on the same idea and allows the inventor more time to publish research. It also allows one to put the idea in the public domain without any risk.
A provisional patent is valid for a year from the date of filing of the provisional patent application. This validity time cannot be extended.
A provisional patent is a temporary patent provided to an invention that is in the experimental stage whereas a Permanent patent gives to a concluded invention for 20 years. There is a claim section in the Permanent patent that is not present in the Provisional patent. This claim section defines the scope of the invention and describes what an inventor wishes to protect in the invention. The provisional patent is not flexible
The Provisional patent application will take four to six weeks following the original meeting.
Yes, if the Provisional patent application’s conditions or drawings are not complete or will not be useful then the patent application can be rejected. On the other hand, the Provisional patent is temporary in its nature and expires after completing the validity of 12 months.
The documents required for a Provisional Patent Application include the title of the invention, description of the invention, name of the applicant for the patent, address of the applicant for the patent, contact details of the patent applicant, nationality of the patent applicant, and technical aspects of the invention.
No, this is the primary eligibility criterion for any invention to not get disclosed in the public domain before getting the patent for it.
No, it is not possible to make changes to any filed application for a Provisional patent.