A trademark is acceptable for 10 years and after that, it needs to be renewed for attained various benefits. The trademark officer will send you the notice 6 months before the expiry of your trademark. So, after that, you can apply for trademark renewal.
Yes, you can renew the trademark even after the expiry of the given period but it needs to be done within 6 months after the expiry with the approval of the registrar of the trademark. It also required certain fees to do so.
There is not such a big process of trademark renewal. You can request trademark renewal before six months of the expiry date. The registrar of a trademark gives a warning regarding the expiry and certain fees which the owner has to pay. If the registrar found any mistake, then the trademark will be removed from the register.
If the given period gets expired then you have to bear a certain amount of fees. This delay can be risky as you have to apply six months before the expiry date and that is a policy that everyone has to follow.
For selecting a good trademark, one needs to keep various points in mind like a trademark should be registered as you can avail various benefits. Use words that are strong for trademark.
Trademark registration is a prior process then trademark renewal. Renewal takes place after the expiry of a registered trademark. Trademark registration is a lengthy process and takes time while renewal is not a lengthy process.
If a person is failed to renew the trademark, then he/she has to bear various fallouts. Their trademark will be deleted from the register and any other person can acquire their trademark and use it for their benefit.
No, there will be no variations in the rights of the trademark holder after the renewal. They will have the same rights as they have after the process of trademark registration. The holder will possess the same rights.
No, a trademark is not valid outside India. It is only valid in the home country where it is registered. One can file for registration in another country for a trademark. But it will be a costly process to register again and again in different countries.
There is no limit for trademark renewable. You can renew it as many times as you want to. Renewal is needed a certain amount of fee. Whenever the time came for renewal owner had to pay the amount.